Friday, December 4, 2009

Summary & Learning Objectives

This blog aims to illustrate the essential characteristics of presbycusis. Presbycusis is an inevitable disorder which affects a significant proportion of the elderly population. However, there are substantial treatments that can be utilized to correct the degenerative effects of presbycusis. This blog does not seek to address every immediate aspect associated with presbycusis, but in turn it is a fundamental tool that can be used to explore informative research on the subject.

After reading this blog the reader should grasp three concepts or learning objectives which are associated with presbycusis:

1. This blog will provide informative aspects about presbycusis in a manner that can be easily understood by the reader.
2. The reader will develop an indispensable knowledge about presbycusis that can later assist them in conducting further research on the subject.
3. The reader will gain a meaningful understanding of presbycusis that can be used to assist those who have the disorder or those who are in some way connected to one who has presbycusis.